News 2020

Storage Lien Enforcement & Eviction Protections
When Service Members use commercial property storage, or rent a residential property, they are protected from certain adverse actions by the property landlord. Generally, landlords who believe their tenants are failing to hold up their end of the bargain can either seize (and probably sell) the property in the storage unit or even evict their tenants. Ever watch the show Storage Wars? It’s kind of like that!
The SCRA, however, …
Judge Advocate Wins Second Place in CNO Naval History Essay Contest
Each year, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) invites Navy personnel to compete in his Naval History Essay Content. Entries must thoughtfully apply past lessons to the Navy’s current focus on establishing and maintaining maritime superiority.
This year, the CNO was specifically interested in essays that address efforts by China and Russia to use their economic, political and military powers to compete for commercial, geostrategic, political and military advantage and …

Judge Advocate Wins 2019 Kevin J. Barry Writing Award
Almost every year – when a writing piece is deemed worthy – the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) awards the Kevin J. Barry Award for Excellence to its writer. The award is named after the founder and longtime director of NIMJ, an outstanding scholar and peerless advocate of reform.
The award was created to recognize substantial scholarship and entries are evaluated for excellence in military legal studies. The winner …
Reservists Promoted via Direct Commission Officer Program
Lt. j. g. Richard Robertson and Lt. j. g. Corey Mitchell were the first legalmen to promote via the Reserve Direct Commission Officer Program in May 2020. They hosted intimate, virtual commissioning ceremonies during the summer – observing COVID-19 restrictions on social gatherings – but their achievements were applauded across the worldwide JAG community. Robertson and Mitchell are now attending Officer Development School in Newport, R.I. Lt. j. g. Richard …

CJTF-HOA JAG trains BIR soldiers
Recently, Lt. Cmdr. Alison Hoyt, the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) deputy staff judge advocate stepped in to provide critical training to the Armed Forces of Djibouti (FAD) Bataillon d’intervention rapide (BIR), on behalf of the Defense Institute for International Legal Studies (DIILS).
Under Title 10 U.S. Code Section 333, the U.S. Government develops programs with foreign forces that may include the provision and sustainment of …

Lt. Lauren Yutchishen Receives Ethical Character in Leadership Award
Lt. Lauren Yutchishen – a JAG community member who currently serves as Deputy Command Judge Advocate aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) – received the ship’s annual Ethical Character in Leadership award.
The award is presented by members of the US Naval Academy’s Class of 1971, which has a special relationship with USS Theodore Roosevelt (TR) because of the commonality between their graduation year and the ship’s hull number. Members …

Legal Readiness for Reserve Sailors
NORFOLK, Va. – Imagine, while deployed in the Middle East, you receive an excited call from your daughter. She asks for permission to play soccer this year and says her coach is sure she’s going to be a star player. She seems to be bursting at the seams with enthusiasm; you reply “Absolutely, let’s get you signed up!”
Shortly after that conversation, you receive another call. Now in tears, your …

Lt. Belyea Attends 2021 Leadership Development Program
The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) provides deliberate, experiential learning opportunities for future leaders. The program is designed for high-potential individuals who have an understanding and appreciation for DoD’s global mission. One of the 2021 ELDP selectees – Navy judge advocate Lt. Ashley Belyea – certainly meets those criteria.
Belyea commissioned in September 2014 and currently is assigned to the Judge Advocate General (JAG) community’s Administrative …

A Memorable Milestone Promotion
“My reaction to the promotion message was very surprised,” added Johnson. “Have you seen the caliber of judge advocates on the list? My colleagues are so impressive; it’s really humbling to be among their ranks. However, the O-4 board met on the date my daughter was born, so I imagine there was just some good luck on my side.”
Johnson was born and raised in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; however, her …

Commissioning of LTJG Tate
Lt. j.g. Thaddeus H. Tate, Jr. enlisted as a naval intelligence analyst in 2009, and, since then, he has been chasing his career goals at full speed. Now a member of the Navy JAG Corps, Tate was selected in 2018 for the In-Service Procurement Program (IPP). He is now attending Officer Development School, and he will begin his first tour as a judge advocate at Region Legal Service Office, Naval …

LCDR Eaton Received Fletcher School Award
Earlier this year, Lt. Cmdr. Tom Eaton – a JAG community member currently serving as staff judge advocate at Carrier Strike Group FIFTEEN – was selected as a recipient of the prestigious Leo Gross Prize in International Law.
Originally from Southern California, Eaton received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Point Loma University in 2004, a Juris Doctor from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in 2008, and a …

JAG Community Provides Dedicated Legal Support to Families in Exceptional Family Member Program
The Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG) community – in collaboration with Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) – is expanding legal assistance and special education support to families enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). The Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG) community – in collaboration with Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) – is expanding legal assistance and special education support to families enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). …

Navy Medicine paralegal specialist receives top professional achievement award
When nominations were being accepted for the Outstanding Navy Legal Professional Award for the Pacific Northwest, there was no hesitation from Naval Hospital Bremerton.
The submission was prescient.
Ms. Marquita Hooks, paralegal specialist in the command’s Judge Advocate office was selected as the award recipient for her outstanding achievement, performance of duty, leadership, special accomplishment and significant public or community service.
“I have been in a daze ever since my …

The Return of the Naval Law Review
After a three-year hiatus, the Naval Justice School has published a new volume of the Naval Law Review, a scholarly journal for military and civilian practitioners, as well as academia, who work in and study all aspects of the military’s legal practice.
The newly released Volume 66 explores topics ranging from the legality of mercy killings on the battlefield and applicability of U.S. v. Ramos to military courts-martial, to …
DSO West Holds Change of Command
Defense Service Office (DSO) West held a virtual change of command ceremony in San Diego, California, on August 6, 2020. COVID-19 restrictions limited in-person attendance to ceremony staff and key personnel. DSO West command members, family, and friends were invited to witness the ceremony via live stream.
Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall, Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy and Commander, Naval Legal Service Command, presided over the ceremony in …

Judge Advocate Authors Chapter for International Publication
Lt. Cmdr. Adam Smith – a JAG community member currently serving as deputy force judge advocate at Commander, Navy Installations Command – co-authored a chapter in the international law treatise, “Securitising Asylum Flows: Deflection, Criminalisation and Challenges for Human Rights,” which was published in May.
Smith’s chapter – which was titled, “Balancing the SAR responsibilities of States and Shipmasters” – addresses the responsibilities of states and shipmasters to render assistance at …
LEGADs Supporting Law and Order During BALTOPS20
Baltic Sea Operation (BALTOPS) is the largest annual exercise series in the Baltic Sea. Its purpose is to improve training for participants, enhance flexibility and interoperability, and demonstrate resolve among Allied and Partner Forces in defending the Baltic Sea region. First established in 1972, BALTOPS20 was the 49th iteration, taking place June 7-16. NATO Allies participated in live training events including air defense, anti-submarine warfare, maritime interdiction, and mine countermeasure …

Chief Legalman Graduates from the Senior Enlisted Academy on the Dean’s List
Chief Legalman Daniela Briceno – a valued and experienced member of the Navy JAG community – recently graduated from the military’s Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA) with high honors. The SEA is a 10-week leadership development program for active and Reserve enlisted personnel from the U.S. Navy, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard, as well as from international service partners. SEA instruction is focused on management, leadership, …

At the Tip of the Spear in the Horn of Africa
Capt. Christopher Greer – a seasoned judge advocate with extensive international and national security law experience – currently serves as the staff judge advocate for Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA). He calls his post at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ) – the only enduring U.S. military location on the African continent – one of his most challenging and rewarding assignments. He, alongside a top-notch team of legal professionals, …
RLSO NW Holds Change of Command
Region Legal Service Office Northwest (RLSO NW) held the JAG Corps’ first virtual change of command ceremony at the Bremerton Courtroom aboard Naval Base Kitsap, WA, on 19 June. Capt. Warren Record relieved Capt. Chuck LeMoyne as Commanding Officer of RLSO NW.
COVID-19 restrictions limited in person attendance to ceremony staff and key personnel. RLSO NW command members, family, and friends were invited to witness the ceremony via livestream.
“This …