Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

FOIA, 5 U.S.C. §552, provides that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information.
Federal agencies are required to disclose records or information upon receipt of a written FOIA request, except such records or information that are exempt from disclosure pursuant 5 U.S.C. §552. The 1996 FOIA amendments require federal agencies to implement a publicly accessible Electronic Reading Room to store commonly requested documents.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please view the frequently asked questions prior to submitting your FOIA request to ensure it is submitted to the appropriate custodian and release authority. A misdirected or incorrectly filed request will delay the response to your inquiry.
FOIA Records Request
The Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG) of the Navy maintains several record specific FOIA Requestor Service Centers. Below you will find contact information for the specific FOIA Requestor Service Center which processes the type of records you seek. Please be advised that many frequently requested records are available in the Library.
Military Justice Matters
The Military Justice Administration Division (Code 40) processes FOIA requests concerning the military justice system and individual courts-martial; and responds to requests for records of trial.
Submit a Request
Requesters can submit a FOIA request through our online portal at or by clicking the link below:
FOIA Request - Military Justice
Requesters can also submit a written request to the following address:
Office of the Judge Advocate General
ATTN: Freedom of Information Act Branch (Code 40)
1254 Charles Morris Street
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5124
Questions concerning military justice FOIA requests may be directed to Code 40 processing center at or (202) 685-7064.
Administrative Law Matters
The Administrative Law Division (Code 13) processes FOIA requests for records or information relating to professional responsibility complaints; complaints of wrong filed under Article 138, Uniform Code of Military Justice, or under Article 1150 of the U.S. Navy Regulations.
Submit a Request
To submit a FOIA/PA request for administrative law records, please do so via our online portal at or through - Freedom of Information Act. You may also submit a written request to the following addresses:
Office of the Judge Advocate General
ATTN: Administrative Law Division (Code 13)
1322 Patterson Ave., Suite 3000
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5066
Questions concerning administrative law FOIA requests may be directed to the Code 13 at (703) 614-7413.
Command Investigations
The Admiralty & Claims Division (Code 15) is the custodian and release authority for Navy and Marine Corps command investigations conducted pursuant to Chapter II of the Manual of the Judge Advocate General (JAGMAN) convened prior to December 31, 1995. The cognizant release authority for command investigations convened after December 31, 1995 remains the command that convened the investigation.
Exception: The Chief of Naval Operations (N09N) is the release authority for all command investigations involving breaches of classified information or information security regulations conducted pursuant to Chapter II of the JAGMAN.
- Litigation-Report Investigations and Admiralty Reports
Code 15 is also the custodian and release authority for all Navy and Marine Corps litigation-report investigations conducted pursuant to Chapter II of the JAGMAN, as well as all Admiralty Letter Reports (ALRs) and Dual Purpose Investigations (DPIs) conducted pursuant to Chapter XI of the JAGMAN. (Note: In nearly all cases, litigation-report investigations, ALRs, and DPIs are exempt from release under FOIA. - Courts and Boards of Inquiry
The cognizant Echelon II Commander is the release authority for Courts and Boards of Inquiry.
Submit a Request
If you would like to request an administrative investigation, please do so via our online portal at or through - Freedom of Information Act. Please include your contact information in the request and describe in detail the records requested, e.g., incident date, name of ship or aircraft number, the location where the incident occurred, full names of individuals involved, etc. You may also submit a written request to the following addresses:
Admiralty & Claims Division (Code 15):
Office of the Judge Advocate General
ATTN: FOIA Coordinator
1322 Patterson Ave SE, Suite 3000
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5066
Commander, Naval Legal Service Command
Commander, Naval Legal Service Command (CNLSC) processes FOIA and Privacy Act requests for CNLSC Headquarters, Region Legal Service Offices, Defense Service Offices, and Victim’s Legal Counsel. CNLSC does not process FOIA requests for courts-martial records of trial.
Submit a Request
To submit a FOIA request, please email Your FOIA request must include your contact information and reasonably describe the record(s) requested. To make a Privacy Act request, email Your Privacy Act request must identify the system of record notice from which you are seeking records and reasonably describe the records you are requesting. You may also submit a written request to the following addresses:
Commander, Naval Legal Service Command
ATTN: FOIA Coordinator
1322 Patterson Ave SE, Suite 3300
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5066
FOIA Appeals
The Secretary of the Navy has delegated appellate authority to the Judge Advocate General and the Department of the Navy General Counsel. The General Litigation Division (Code 14) is responsible for adjudicating all FOIA appeals that fall under the Judge Advocate General's cognizance, including military justice; operational and international law; military personnel law; legal assistance; civil law; intelligence oversight; and litigation involving these matters. Further detail about matters under the Judge Advocate General's cognizance is found in SECNAVINST 5430.27E. FOIA appeals within the Judge Advocate General's authority are submitted to:
Office of the Judge Advocate General
ATTN: General Litigation Division (Code 14)
1322 Patterson Ave., SE, Suite 3000
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5066
Questions concerning FOIA appeals may be directed to Code 14 at (202) 685-5450.
DON FOIA Public Liaison
If you have a question regarding which OJAG FOIA Requestor Service Center to contact or have questions regarding the processing of your request by any OJAG FOIA Requestor Service Center, you should contact the OJAG FOIA Coordinator at (703) 614-7408.
If you have a question regarding the processing or appeal of a FOIA request with the Navy or the Marine Corps, you may contact the DON FOIA Public Liaison, Mr. Christopher Julka, by telephone at (703) 697-0031 or by email DONFOIA-PA. You may also contact Mr. Julka by mail at the following address:
DON FOIA Public Liaison
1000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-1000