
Navy Legalman Members are Meritoriously Advanced

Navy Legalman Members are Meritoriously Advanced

April 26th, 2021

Two Sailors from the Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG) community earned promotions through the U.S. Navy’s Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) in February.

Legalman 1st Class Tyler M. Belz and Legalman 1st Class  Abigail G. Morgan – formerly 2nd Class Petty Officers – were both promoted to the next paygrade.

“This program is intended to give commands greater authority to better shape our Navy by developing …

Judge Advocate Receives 2021 Richard R. Baxter Military Prize

Judge Advocate Receives 2021 Richard R. Baxter Military Prize

April 14th, 2021

Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Harbin – a judge advocate currently serving as a joint legal observer and trainer for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – was awarded the 2021 Richard R. Baxter Military Prize by the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict. His writing topic was “Targeting Submarine Cables.”

The Lieber Society serves as ASIL’s focal point for the study …

Colleagues Celebrate Capt. Noone’s Retirement from the Navy Reserve Law Program

Colleagues Celebrate Capt. Noone’s Retirement from the Navy Reserve Law Program

April 8th, 2021

After a long and illustrious career spanning more than 30 years – including several deployments and assignments all over the world – Capt. Gregory P. Noone retired from the Navy Reserve as a judge advocate on Feb. 1, 2021.

Described as “one of a kind,” colleagues say the mere mention of Noone’s name will render a smile of recognition and admiration from countless members the active component and Reserve JAG …

2020 JAG Legalman of the Year and Naval Legal Service Command Service Member of the Year

2020 JAG Legalman of the Year and Naval Legal Service Command Service Member of the Year

March 22nd, 2021

Leaders of the Navy and Marine Corps Judge Advocate General (JAG) communities honored the achievements and service of the top enlisted Sailors and Marines during a virtual recognition ceremony on March, 22nd. Leaders of the Navy and Marine Corps Judge Advocate General (JAG) communities honored the achievements and service of the top enlisted Sailors and Marines during a virtual recognition ceremony on March, 22nd.

Navy Legalman 1st Class Bryan Fox …

Tax Season 2021: What You Need to Know

Tax Season 2021: What You Need to Know

March 11th, 2021

The Internal Revenue Service began accepting and processing tax year 2020 federal returns on Feb. 12, 2021.

Tips for Taxpayers to Make Filing Easier:
The IRS urges filers to follow these steps to avoid unnecessary delays in processing and issuance of refunds:

  • File electronically and use direct deposit for the quickest refunds.
  • Check for the latest tax information, including the latest on Economic Impact Payments. There is …
Judge Advocate Receives Leadership Award

Judge Advocate Receives Leadership Award

March 5th, 2021

In November 2020, Lt. Martin Bunt accepted a Leadership Award for his work in 2019 as a Deputy Command Judge Advocate aboard the USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). He received this accolade from The Navy & Marine Association, which annually sponsors more than 400 awards presented to service members by the commanders of Naval Air Forces, Naval Surface Forces, and U.S. Marine Forces Atlantic and Pacific, as well …

Judge Advocate Named COMSUBPAC’s 2020 Junior Officer of the Year

March 3rd, 2021

With as much fanfare as 2020 would permit, Lt. DeNealia Cunningham Peterson accepted the award for the Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC) Junior Officer of the Year for her work as a judge advocate aboard USS Emory S. Land (AS-39). She still serves aboard AS-39 as Command Judge Advocate (CJA) and a public affairs officer.


“DeNealia is the consummate professional,” said Cmdr. Chris Kimball, COMSUBPAC Force Judge Advocate. …

Cutting the Cord & Contracts Abroad

Cutting the Cord & Contracts Abroad

March 3rd, 2021

Forgot to cancel a cell, internet, or TV contract before moving overseas? Thankfully, it’s not too late to cancel, keep your cellphone number, and avoid termination fees using the benefits of the SCRA.

The SCRA allows OCONUS Service Members to terminate TV, internet, and cell contracts “at any time after the date the Service Member receives military orders,” so long as orders are for 90 days or more overseas and …

Deputy Judge Advocate General Nomination

Deputy Judge Advocate General Nomination

February 25th, 2021

 Please join us in congratulating Rear Admiral Christopher C. French, on his nomination by the President to serve as Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy, and for his appointment to the grade of Rear Admiral (Upper Half). Admiral French is an outstanding naval officer and a widely respected and accomplished legal practitioner. Throughout his distinguished and decorated career – as a member of both the profession of law and …

Bring Your...Pet to Work: Are Fido Fridays Legal?

Bring Your...Pet to Work: Are Fido Fridays Legal?

February 20th, 2021

Friday rolls around and the guilt of daily doggy daycare is weighing on you — can you bring Rover to work if he promises to sleep under your desk and not bark during meetings? The answer is… it depends. Friday rolls around and the guilt of daily doggy daycare is weighing on you — can you bring Rover to work if he promises to sleep under your …

Divorcing in the U.S. While Overseas

Divorcing in the U.S. While Overseas

February 2nd, 2021

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a Uniform Code of Divorce Law? Like the Uniform Code of Military Justice? One set of rules governing divorce from San Diego, to Sasebo, to Sigonella?

Unfortunately, there is nothing uniform about U.S. divorce law. In fact, all law about family relations — marriage, divorce, child custody, etc. — is owned by each individual state. That means we have 50 unique sets of …

Reserve Judge Advocates Make Their Mark in the Pacific Northwest

January 29th, 2021

The Navy Reserve Law Program (NRLP) includes nearly 600 dedicated legal professionals who excel in both their civilian and part-time military careers. Throughout 2020, Reserve members located in the Pacific Northwest were recognized for their outstanding contributions in their respective legal fields. Reserve Capt. Dan Jones was awarded the Washington State Bar Association’s Award of Merit, the state bar’s highest award. Also, two NRLP members were named finalists in the …

Are You Prepared to Deploy/PCS?  A Legal Readiness Cheat-Sheet

Are You Prepared to Deploy/PCS? A Legal Readiness Cheat-Sheet

January 20th, 2021

A critical part of deployment readiness is being ready-to-go at a moment’s notice, and that includes being legally prepared. Trying to resolve personal legal issues from overseas or while deployed is not just difficult, it can be costly, time-consuming, and sometimes impossible. Below are steps you can take in order to keep yourself and your family legally ready. Of course, this cheat-sheet is not an all-inclusive list. If you have …

49th Anniversary of the Legalman Rating

49th Anniversary of the Legalman Rating

January 4th, 2021

On January 4, 1972 – 49 years ago – Secretary of the Navy John Chaffee approved the establishment of the Legalman (LN) rating and converted 275 Sailors to LNs. Today, the LN community includes more than 600 active and Reserve LNs – a diverse force of skilled paralegals delivering essential support to the Navy Fleet around the globe.

"We play a vital role in enabling our warfighters, upholding processes, and …

​Storage Lien Enforcement & Eviction Protections

​Storage Lien Enforcement & Eviction Protections

December 1st, 2020

When Service Members use commercial property storage, or rent a residential property, they are protected from certain adverse actions by the property landlord. Generally, landlords who believe their tenants are failing to hold up their end of the bargain can either seize (and probably sell) the property in the storage unit or even evict their tenants. Ever watch the show Storage Wars? It’s kind of like that!

The SCRA, however, …

Judge Advocate Wins Second Place in CNO Naval History Essay Contest

Judge Advocate Wins Second Place in CNO Naval History Essay Contest

November 17th, 2020

Each year, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) invites Navy personnel to compete in his Naval History Essay Content. Entries must thoughtfully apply past lessons to the Navy’s current focus on establishing and maintaining maritime superiority.

This year, the CNO was specifically interested in essays that address efforts by China and Russia to use their economic, political and military powers to compete for commercial, geostrategic, political and military advantage and …

Judge Advocate Wins 2019 Kevin J. Barry Writing Award

Judge Advocate Wins 2019 Kevin J. Barry Writing Award

November 13th, 2020

Almost every year – when a writing piece is deemed worthy – the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) awards the Kevin J. Barry Award for Excellence to its writer. The award is named after the founder and longtime director of NIMJ, an outstanding scholar and peerless advocate of reform.

The award was created to recognize substantial scholarship and entries are evaluated for excellence in military legal studies. The winner …

Reservists Promoted via Direct Commission Officer Program

November 6th, 2020

Lt. j. g. Richard Robertson and Lt. j. g. Corey Mitchell were the first legalmen to promote via the Reserve Direct Commission Officer Program in May 2020. They hosted intimate, virtual commissioning ceremonies during the summer – observing COVID-19 restrictions on social gatherings – but their achievements were applauded across the worldwide JAG community. Robertson and Mitchell are now attending Officer Development School in Newport, R.I. Lt. j. g. Richard …

CJTF-HOA JAG trains BIR soldiers

CJTF-HOA JAG trains BIR soldiers

October 28th, 2020

Recently, Lt. Cmdr. Alison Hoyt, the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) deputy staff judge advocate stepped in to provide critical training to the Armed Forces of Djibouti (FAD) Bataillon d’intervention rapide (BIR), on behalf of the Defense Institute for International Legal Studies (DIILS).

Under Title 10 U.S. Code Section 333, the U.S. Government develops programs with foreign forces that may include the provision and sustainment of …

Lt. Lauren Yutchishen Receives Ethical Character in Leadership Award

Lt. Lauren Yutchishen Receives Ethical Character in Leadership Award

October 23rd, 2020

Lt. Lauren Yutchishen – a JAG community member who currently serves as Deputy Command Judge Advocate aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) – received the ship’s annual Ethical Character in Leadership award.

The award is presented by members of the US Naval Academy’s Class of 1971, which has a special relationship with USS Theodore Roosevelt (TR) because of the commonality between their graduation year and the ship’s hull number. Members …